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PlayScrab relies on support from players
The annual subscription to PlayScrab is kept as low as possible (£5) so everyone can afford to play. The site does not carry advertising and never will. This means the site relies on additional donations and patronage from those who can afford it.
Free Trial You may play up to ten non-league games as a guest. To play more non-league games, a subscription is required. You have guest games remaining.
If you join a league, you may play as a guest in the league until you win promotion for the first time.
Free Trial - Youth Accounts Thanks to the generous support of Karen Richards, you may play for free for the first year. After that you will need to subscribe.
Monthly Subscription
plus optional donation
Monthly Patronage
Monthly Patronage
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Give Scrabble as a giftClick here
Become a Patron
There are two ways: either choose an annual donation of £50 or more or make a monthly donation of £5 or more. Patrons enjoy the knowledge they are helping keep the site alive and constantly improved; they also get to influence the next enhancements to be introduced; and may play in patron-only tournaments as well as the INSTANT 5+5 games.
Become a Donor
Anyone who contributes more than the basic subscription is a Donor. Thank you for your help. As a bonus, donors are able to join the INSTANT 5+5 games - a quick way to make new Scrabble friends and add a lot of games at once.
If you are already a subscriber and wish make an additional donation, you can still use the "Subscribe" button above. The system will add your contributions together and recognise you as a donor.
Problems paying?
Note that a PayPal account is not required. You can pay by debit or credit card using the "Subscribe" link above.
If you live in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Pakistan or Zimbabwe or another country where the use of PayPal is restricted, please scroll down for further information.
Scrabble Clock
Players have 12 hours grace in which to take a turn, including the first turn. After 12 hours, potential penalty time is incurred. At the end of the round only if a game is unfinished, the game will be automatically concluded, tiles in each player's rack will be counted against their score and any time penalties will be applied. 1 point will be deducted from each player's score for each complete three hours of the total penalty time.
Reminder: Penalty points are only incurred if the game is unfinished.
Come to the place where your ideas will be given priority to discuss the future of PlayScrab with Elliott and with other patrons. And maybe suggest new perks to tempt more patrons.
Read the Help page here before asking what they say!
Feel free to raise concerns in general terms but do not name fellow players unless you have something nice to say.
If you have concerns over safety or another player's behaviour, send a personal message one of the admins of that group, making sure you include the sharing link to a game where the problem occurred (see below).
Has it been posted already? Please scan through the posts to check. By all means add "me too" to an existing post, especially if you have more info to add. Duplicate posts will be deleted.
Start a new thread for each new bug or request. New items posted as comments in other threads will be deleted (although new bug reports will not be ignored)
Include the following info:
The device you are using
The browser you are using
A screen shot of the problem
The sharing link to the game (see below) or, if a league game, the league, your division and the name of your opponent
Be prepared to give detailed instructions to reproduce the problem
You can find the sharing link by going to the scores panel for the game and clicking on .
Privacy Policy
We collect the following personal and activity data:
Password (in encrypted form only)
A photo
Email address
Game data
Chats within games
IP address
We collect your username and password so you can log on. We do not believe anyone has anything to gain from hacking PlayScrab except a list of passwords and only then if you use your passwords for more secure activities; hence we only store passwords in encrypted form. This means we can never advise you of your password if you forget it, we can only reset it and send you a new one, which you must change immediately.
We collect your name so people will know what to call you
We collect your sex so we can use the correct pronouns.
We store and display your photo to make your games and stats more personal. It's nice if it's a photo of you but it can be your dog or your dinner if you prefer
We collect your timezone so your opponents can make a judgement about whether to wait for you to respond. If displaying your timezone gives you security concerns, you can prevent it from being displayed in the Settings tab.
We store an email address so you can, at the least, be reminded of your username on request. In you play in a league, it may also be used to remind you to complete your games if you go several days without playing. You can control how else it is used in the settings menu. Very, very occasionally we may use it to contact you if there is a change we think you should be aware of. So far we have done that once in eight years.
We store the Scrabble games you play and use the scores to produce all sorts of statistics (that's the whole idea!)
We store the amount and date of any subscription/donation you make along with your PayPal email address but we do not hold anything that could give us access to your bank, card or PayPal accounts.
We collect your IP address to help prevent personation.
We use cookies to log you in, retain your settings and load games; not to track your activity.
When you enter names and email addresses of your friends to invite them to play, we use that info to create an email to them but we do not store their details.
NOTE We store any messages you enter in the Chat tab and make them available to anyone who views your games. Do not enter personal information in chats. This is primarily for security. We feel that if chats are public, they are less likely to be abused. It also means that admins can read them if a player reports that they feel harassed.
You can request to see your personal data.
... but you don't need to. Everything we hold about you is visible to you on the site.
We may keep data indefinitely.
...especially if you earn a place in our Hall of Fame.
We don't share your personal data with other companies.
Not at all!
No ad companies collect data through our service.
We do not carry advertising.
You can ask privacy questions.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please post your question on the PlayScrab Facebook page.
We take steps to protect personal information
We do not collect any other data. Subscriptions and donations are handled securely by PayPal, not by us.
This privacy policy was last updated on 26th July 2020
Our privacy policy may change from time to time. If we make any material changes to our policies, we will place a notice in the Facebook group.
Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office under the GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018, registration reference ZA769849
See also [ Security and Child Protection ]
Join INSTANT 5+5
As soon as you join, five CSW19 (Collins) games will be created for you. It will be your turn to start in each of them. As the next five players join, they will be given games against you and it will be their turn to start.
Games last up to two weeks. You may join again as soon as you are playing all ten games. There are no phonies or challenges.
Play is open to all PlayScrab [ Donors ] and gift voucher recipients. If you want to top up your subscription with a donation, go to the Subscribe/Donate tab above and select the amount you want to give. Don't worry that the button says "Subscribe"; if you're already subscribed, the system will count any extra as a donation.
Current Status
Sorry, I cannot detect who you are
Please be fair to other players and only join if you're going to complete all your games.
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Adult: 18+
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If you have completed some friendlies you can join a league
Click to Register or Withdraw
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Soon you will be able to search for players by name
...but first we need to add people to the searchable list. We won't make you searchable unless you opt in.
Choose your preferred type of game
CSW is also known as Collins and SOWPODS. It is the international English lexicon
NWL is also known as TWL, OTCWL and OWL. It is the lexicon used in North American tournaments
"Phonies" refers to words not in the appropriate lexicon. Games that allow phonies also allow challenges with various options for penalties for incorrect challenges.
Whether you're "online" is determined by how long ago you took some action. It will not be on just because you left the window open in your browser while you went shopping.
Register to play in one or more of our Scrabble leagues Just click the league you wish to join. You will need to re-register for each round you play in
While you're waiting for your league to start, grab some games now with
TEN Lexicon: CSW21 Next round (round 155) Starts in 11 hrs 7 mins Phonies allowed? Yes Incorrect challenges: 10 point penalty Word Check: Disallowed
Click here to register
36 players registered
Format Rounds last 10 days. Play the 8 or 9 other players in your division once each. The top 3 players win promotion to a higher divison.
Restrictions Must be be a PlayScrab subscriber to join. Click the Subscribe/Donate tab above to subscribe.
Patrons Lexicon: CSW19 Next round (round 241) Starts in 2 days 12 hrs Phonies/Challenges? No
Click here to register
21 players registered
Format Rounds last 7 days. Play the 4 or 5 other players in your division twice each. The top 2 players win promotion to a higher divison.
Restrictions Must be be a PlayScrab patron to join. Click the Subscribe/Donate tab above to become a patron.
CanUSA Lexicon: NWL18 Next round (round 130) Starts in 8 days 15 hrs Phonies/Challenges? No
Click here to register
9 players registered
Format Rounds last 14 days. Play the 5 or 6 other players in your division twice each. The top 2 players win promotion to a higher divison.
Restrictions Must have completed 3 games to join. See below for details
FSL Lexicon: CSW19 Next round (round 332) Starts in 12 days 14 hrs Phonies/Challenges? No
You have registered Click here to withdraw
48 players registered
Format Rounds last 14 days. Play the 11 or 12 other players in your division once each. The top 3 players win promotion to a higher divison.
Restrictions Must have completed 3 games to join. See below for details
Where a minimum number of games is required to register, this means one-week or longer games completed within the time limit. If a game times out and you incur a time penalty of 75 points or more, your completed game count is reduced by one.
Deleted Word List
Three-letter words
Four-letter words
13-letter words
14-letter word
Choose a letter for your blank
Choisissez une lettre
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You are setting up games in which:
The lexicon is CSW19
Phonies (words not in the dictionary) may be played
5 point penalty for failed challenges
Words may NOT be checked for validity in advance
Two weeks are allowed for the game to be completed
Players are NOT permitted to resign
Click here to change these settings.
To invite a friend
EITHER Email or text them the link at the foot of the screen.
OR Click on the Facebook invitation link, also at the foot of the screen.
Send your friend a gift subscriptionClick here
Send a Friend a Gift Subscription
Send a friend a gift of unlimited Scrabble for three months, six months or a year.
Your gift does not automatically renew so you are not committing to anything. We will email your friend your gift with a copy to you. Their subscription starts when they enter the short code we send them. If they decide not to use it, you can give their code to someone else (but it can only be used once!)
If your friend doesn't receive the email, get them to check their spam folder. If you don't receive your copy, check yours too.
Enter your friend's name and email address below with a message and we will send them your gift.
Name: Email: Message
Choose your gift: